US Popularity:7637
Other Origin(s):British
Meaning:Little girl
Lassie is a charming girl’s names of Scottish and Northern English origin. Deriving from the term for a young woman used in those parts of the world—think of a quintessential Scottish man calling someone “lass” in a thick, warm-like-fire accent—Lassie means “little girl.” The moniker is also shared with the beloved Collie in the popular 1960s television series, Lassie. A role model if ever there was one, Lassie would come back every week to help and enrich the lives of those around her. Your little Lass is sure to do much the same, as a faithful friend to all!

Lassie Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1963
- 81
from 1961
In comparison to the previous year's data

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