US Popularity:7637
Meaning:Smooth brow
Melvine is a feminine name with roots in English and is closely related to the Scottish Gaelic Malvina. Meaning "smooth brow," and lacking contrarian factual evidence, there is every chance that Melvine and Malvina were the first to wax their eyebrows in the 1700s. Malvina was a name popularised by the Scottish poet James McPherson through his work in the 18th century. From there, it spread to Poland, spelled Malwina, and through several other Eastern European countries and different iterations. Baby Melvine can style their brows like it's 1750, whatever that might look like.

Melvine Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1963
- 5156
from 1962
In comparison to the previous year's data

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