US Popularity:27516
Other Origin(s):Latin
Meaning:Old fool; Wild goat; Earth
As a biblical Hebrew name, Terah is traditionally given to boys, but flows with such flexibility it makes a charming gender-neutral name. Terah’s Hebrew origins grant it the meanings “old fool” and “wild goat,” for the rambunctious tot about to embark on a formative adventure. Terah is recognized across the Abrahamic religions as Abraham’s father, who lived to be 145 years old. As a Latin name, Terah derives from Terra, meaning “Earth,” and is connected to the Roman primordial goddess Terra Mater (Mother Earth). Whether drawn to its religious significance or enamored by its divine, earthy origins, Terah is undeniably graceful and will serve your little one well.

Terah Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2018
+ 391
from 2017
In comparison to the previous year's data

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